A bat and a man
A bat could smile, Bear a child and breastfeed and also menstruate. The bat really wanted to laugh and weep like a human being. So the bat summoned a man In a market fair For a feast And have an[…]
A bat could smile, Bear a child and breastfeed and also menstruate. The bat really wanted to laugh and weep like a human being. So the bat summoned a man In a market fair For a feast And have an[…]
My name is Abby Britton, and I live in the state of Missouri in the United States. I hold an advanced degree in English literature. During the last year or so, I have discovered the treasures of Central Asian literature,[…]
Ассалому алайкум! Муҳтарам ҳоким жаноблари, Ҳокимиятдаги маданият, адабиёт, санъат ва туризмни ривожлантиришга масъул ҳурматли расмий ходимлар, Эътиборингизга “Чет эллик Ёзувчи/рассом/маданият ходими резиденцияда” – UzLAB – Uzbekistan’s Literature and Art Bridge – дастурини ҳамда Наманганни ЮНЕСКО адабиёт шаҳарлари рўйхатига киритиш таклифини ҳавола этишни[…]