Our Sad Plight (Ahvolimiz) by Abdulla Qodiriy

Famous Uzbek writer and poet Abdulla Qodiriy (executed in 1938 during Stalin era) wrote this poem in Uzbek in 1915, but it looks like he wrote it today or about our days. I translated t into English.
Our Sad Plight
by Abdulla Qodiriy
Look at our sorry plight: ignorance in our veins,
At times we can sell conscience, feeling in the heart no pains.
We do not teach our sons ethics, speech-craft or science,
Even we don’t nurture faith, leaving them with empty brains.
But we enjoy all year round – it’s our main job indeed –
Listening to the songs of quails, feeding tens of them with grains.
Leaning on the big pillows we smoke cannabis, poppy,
We say ‘oh-woh’ when a boy – with plaits – dances, entertains.
When high on drugs and spaced out, our elderly and rich
Seeing a young lad at once – to their passions – give free reins.
If we find someone who loves and really cares about the nation
We call him, ‘you are a disbeliever’ and shoot him quickly under strains.
Hey, smart youth and intellectuals, be more diligent these days,
Let us wake up heavy sleepers, getting rid of gloomy chains.