Category: Uzbek literature news
Интервью для журнала “Берлин-берега”
“А Берлин… Он просто очень красивый“ Интервью с участниками проекта “Литературные маршруты“ | 26 июня 2017 Слева направо: Анна Кордзая-Самадашвили, Айгуль Кемелбаева, Шолпан Кызайбаева (Гёте-Институт, Алматы), Азам Абидов, Григорий Аросев. Фото: Ирина Посредникова (Гёте-Институт, Москва) В мае-июне 2017 года в[…]
A book by Erkin A’zam published in London
heirs-to-the-great-sinner Translated by Azam Abidov
Introduction to the collection of Alisher Navoi’s ghazals in Polish
In 2006, during Calicut International Poetry Festival in India, a group of poets discussed the topic “Is poetry marginal?”, where many came to a conclusion that poetry will continue to exist unless words disappear… Now, I am calling those days[…]
Seed Yanyshev: “I sang for ten years and became a famous singer… among friends”
HTTP://NEWEURASIA.NET Today we offer you to get acquainted with another finalist of the “Novellasia” literary competition – Seed Yanyshev, who won thanks to his collection of short stories. Seed Yanyshev was born on June 17, 1972 in Tashkent. Future journalist[…]
Novellasia” announces its top five winners!
“Novellasia”’s jury chairman, Alex Ulko, in consultation with judges from throughout Central Asia, has chosen five final winners from a short-list of 15. Author Title Country Language Kanat Omar Running Away to Moldavia Kazakhstan Russian Safar[…]
“Anthologie de la poésie d’Ouzbékistan, tome 1” On peut trouver des livres surprenants dans une bibliothèque universitaire et celui-ci en fait partie. Après l’anthologie de la poésie persane, j’ai trouvé une Anthologie de la poésie d’Ouzbékistan. Par curiosité, je l’ai emprunté et je n’ai pas été déçu. Un poème[…]