Хавотир ороли / The island of anxiety / La isla de la ansiedad

Recently the subject of combativeness has been discussed in a literary meeting. The lack of courage in creative people and its reasons have been considered during the discussion. That time I was thinking about the fact that to live without fear was the happiest thing in the world…
Once in Medellin, Colombia, I attended a poetry reading in a women’s prison. Because the city was situated on the hills, prisoners had a chance to see the city view easily. I felt how every prisoner had a great hope and dream towards freedom. How it is difficult to get rid of the shell, I noticed…
When I write a poem, I intend that this poem may be read by all, thus it may be everyone’s poem. A poet, who does not aim to purify himself from a poem to another one, will sink into bottomless tricks of this world. Money, interest or festivity will not be able to destruct the poet’s heart. It wishes that the feelings of the purifying and recognizing itself Soul, moved to other people’s hearts, too. Only after that it will be relevant for the poet to say that his dreams come true. Only after that a human being will feel that every person needs one another. Only after that we all start breathing properly, Insha’Allah…

Tashkent, December 06, 2009

Download this book: Хавотир ороли / The island of anxiety / La isla de la ansiedad