A ghazal by Boborahim Mashrab

I am the sky, my soul ascends and climbs ever high,
My flames transform the world’s despair, I am the fire’s cry.

My path is lost, no guide can steer me through this vast expanse,
I whirl around my love, like winds that roam in a trance.

In search of joy, but labor’s chains have bound me tight,
I wonder why my birth was cast in ceaseless night.

Without love’s light, faith’s embers turn to fading desire,
For those in pain, I’d sacrifice to lift them from the mire.

I reveal the wounds that sorrow cloaks from tearful eyes,
But to the unaware, I am Noah’s flood that never dries.

No one knows from where I came or what I am inside,
If you seek my truth, Kho’kan is the name I’ll not hide.

Neither angel nor divine, just a mortal of this sphere,
A son of Namangan, where my roots are crystal clear.

Today, Mashrab bows to earth, his pride has turned to dust,
If doomsday dawns, I rule love’s eternal trust.