
ZULKHUMOR, poetess, scholar, she translated a lot from English and into English. She has published one poetry collection. Her translations include “The language of the bird” by Alisher Navoi and “Northerners and Southerners” by Lee Ho-chul, a Korean writer.

One needs to wait and hope.
(A. Dumas)


I looked forward. I expected.
Most likely:
I deceived myself.
Hairs of years went grey,
Seen the end of patience.
You didn’t come.
Clod flared up.
Having been on the point of despair
This time you
Will wait and expect:
Most likely:
Human life will pass like this.


A white night:
Trees dream of something:
My naked soul talks to wind,
The sky is throwing light –
It is snowing.
A white night:
My soul is undressed, still naked,
Body trembles, heart is empty,
Despite I’m full, I eat myself.
It is dirty.
White – a white night