India is calling me to a great festival again

Dear Azam,
Sub: Invite to participate in 7th Odisha Art & Literature Festival.

Greetings from Odisha, India!
We are delighted to invite you to the 7th Odisha Art & Literature Festival to be held from 25th to 27th November 2022 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.

The Odisha Art & Literature Festival is a unique event in East India attracting authors, painters, musicians, playwrights, socio-cultural activists etc. Its 7th edition is going to be held in Bhubaneswar, one of the finest cities in India for its calm, gentle and accommodative people and clean, serene environment. It’s also known as temple city of India with huge presence of architectural and archeological legacy. The 3-day Festival includes impassioned discussion, intellectual debate and platform for poetry, music, literature and art.

Odisha Art & Literature Festival has mixed of author’s readings, interviews and panel discussions. Each session lasts
approximately for one hour. We have tentatively programmed the participant writers in all three days that include
poetry reading in English and participating in a panel discussion along with other Indian poets about world poetry.
Besides, we shall also launch various books and anthologies of various genres published by Dhauli Books, publisher in India. The Festival will be delighted to host you and provide you the following: 1. Accommodation at the official Festival Hotel.
2. Breakfast at the Festival Hotel and lunch and dinner at the place to be decided well before the scheduled Festival. 3.
Access to all talks and sessions during the period of your stay. 4. Local transportation to and from the Festival venue and your hotel. 5. Evening music concert. 6. Heritage walks in the city along with other writers and artists.

Since we are organizing the Festival in a shoestring budget, we would not be in a position to bear travel expenses to and from Bhubaneswar. Trust you would appreciate the situation.

We look forward to receiving the confirmation of your participation as a speaker in 7th OALF 2022 as said above.
We would be grateful if you could send us the following information at the earliest for display on the Festival website
( and for all festival collaterals.
1. A hi resolution of your publicity still (960 w X 525 h pxl)
2. A 100 word bio-data for print and publicity. In addition, the Festival Secretariat would require the following
information: 1.Your contact details including contact number and address. 2. Dietary restriction and preferences if any.
2 Our press department shall be in touch with you, during your stay, for giving any prefestival or post-festival interviews to accredited local and national media.

Please be aware that all sessions are recorded by us for our archives and posted on the Festival websites and are
occasionally telecast on various channels. You may wish to view session from previous years which can be found under the archive session of our website (

Please contact at for any enquiry.
We look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards,
Manu Dash
Director, Odisha Art & Literature Festival